The Creators’ Sessions are monthly, live Q&A sessions where we invite experts to come and talk about business or legal issues facing creative entrepreneurs. Covering topics like marketing, metrics, branding, building a team, and more – these sessions are interactive, wide-ranging, and cost nothing to attend.
All participants have the chance to ask questions and get them answered live.
Next Session
Stay tuned for information on our next session!
Previous Sessions
Mindset for Creative Business Owners
May 12, 2021
During our session on mindset for creative business owners, our guest Judith Gordon shared with us techniques that anyone can use to optimize mindset. We talked about how you can develop a mindset that supports your goals, how you can use emotional intelligence to make better decisions, and how you can increase productivity by managing your energy rather than your time.
Members of the Creators’ Legal Program can watch the replay here
Tax Power Hour Round 2
April 7, 2021
Last year, we were joined by Claudia Yi Leon of Taxes for Artists (and purveyor of fine tax-related memes of @taxesforartists IG) who broke down how creative business owners can get a handle on taxes.
It was a hit, so we decided to have her back.
And the timing couldn’t be better because A LOT has changed in tax law in the last few months (for instance, this year’s tax filing deadline ISN’T April 15, like always). So, if you run a business, this is information that you need to know.
Members of the Creators’ Legal Program can watch the replay here
2021 Creative Business Kick-off
February 3, 2021
We had a great first Q&A session of 2021. Our partners, Jonathan and Chuong, looked back at 2020, the lessons learned from an unprecedented year, and looked forward towards the future and how things might shape up for creative businesses in 2021.
We had a wide-ranging discussion :
- Highlights from all 27 Q&A sessions from last year.
- The latest on the PPP loan.
- The latest on AB5 – including new exemptions that came into effect late last year.
- What worked for the more resilient and resourceful businesses from last year.
- An update on the latest trademark and copyright laws that go into effect this year.
Watch the replay here [available to Creators’ Legal Program members]
Tax Power Hour for Artists
November 4, 2020
With 2021 fast approaching, we brought in tax expert Claudia Yi Leon from Taxes for Artists to discuss ways for businesses to reduce their tax liability and make things simpler come tax time.
We got into some great stuff:
- The various business setup options and their accompanying tax benefits.
- How to track expenses and handle deductions.
- Sales tax.
- The tax benefits associated with owning a business.
- Explaining S-Corps.
Watch the replay here [available to Creators’ Legal Program members
Social Media Storytelling for Creatives
September 30, 2020
This session was perfect for businesses that want to use social media to tell their stories and promote their businesses
Our special guest, Laiza Cors of Embello, gave us incredible insights into the best social media practices for businesses. Including:
- Growing your social media audience.
- Increasing audience engagement.
- Creating valuable and inspiring content.
- The different social media tools and strategies that are currently available.
Watch the replay here [available to Creators’ Legal Program members]
Outsourcing and Delegation: How To Get It Right
August 26, 2020
During this wonderful session, we discussed outsourcing and delegation. A crucial topic for any creative business owner because as your business grows, you will need to bring on help. If you do it the right way, you can get more done quickly without added stress; if you get it wrong it can be a nightmare.
Our special guest Dina Eisenberg of Outsource Easier guided us through the best ways to outsource your work! If you’ve been wanting to learn how to delegate better and build an effective team, this session is a must!
Watch the replay here [available to Creators’ Legal Program members]
The Magic of Metrics w/ Scott Forgey of Un
July 29, 2020
During this unforgettable session, we were joined by executive business coach Scott Forgey of Un. We discussed how any business owner can focus on tracking the right numbers to grow. As a serial entrepreneur, Mr. Forgey helped us understand what metrics matter when growing a business, and which ones don’t. We also introduced a framework for looking at metrics that made everything easier.
Watch the replay here [available to Creators’ Legal Program members]