Under California law, it is unlawful to advertise something as being “Made In The USA” if it was not, in fact, “Made In The USA”. The California Business and Professions Code §17533.7 says: It is unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association to sell or...
Getting a contract signed can be one of the more intimidating aspects of working with clients. You have established a good relationship, a good rapport, and a common vision. You’re both ready to work. Who wants to drag the whole thing down with a contract? I find...
I am doing a series on work for hire agreements, as they are something that creative professionals seem to have many questions about. In that series, I will be breaking down some of the law and hopefully make the issue clearer. This post serves a slight aside to...
Lots of creative professionals have clients who ask them to sign “work for hire” agreements that presumably transfer all rights under copyright law to the client. This request does seem to provoke anxiety, and I imagine that much of the anxiety comes because it is not...
Lately, I have been doing a good deal of work with two topics that initially do not seem connected: Bitcoin and art authentication. Bitcoin is a virtual currency, and art authentication serves to demonstrate a chain of title of artworks in order to establish market...
Last week, the New Yorker published an article entitled “Taking Pictures: A Way for Photographers to Protect Their Work”. It chronicles the methods that one particular photographer, Yunghi Kim, protects her work. She uses a variety of techniques that would be helpful...