Category: Featured

Trademark Cost Guidebook [Updated 2024]

This trademark cost guidebook discusses trademark costs and includes information about fees charged by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as well as fees charged by attorneys and filing services. Note: All numbers are current as of March 2024....

Tuition Payments Must Be Made In Business

Building a business means traveling a hard road. Growth happens, but along the way, challenges arise. You spend money on things and get little return. Mistakes, disappointments, and wrong turns make the whole process messy. This means making “tuition...

Don’t Let Legal Anxiety Paralyze Your Business

“But what about that independent contractor law I heard about?” “Don’t worry about it,” I respond. “…and GDPR? I heard that’s a thing.” “Forget about it,” I reply. We did this dance a few more times until he...