A trademark intent to use application is excellent for when you have chosen a trademark, but haven’t yet begun to use it. Done correctly, a trademark intent to use application can help you to “reserve” your rights in the mark that you have chosen while you work to get your product or service to market.

A trademark intent to use application helps you protect your mark even before you start using it.

A trademark intent to use application helps you protect your mark even before you start using it.

The Trademark Intent to Use Application

I often get questions about whether or not someone can register a trademark even before using it. The answer is generally “yes” if you can file an intent to use application. This helps you to secure your trademark rights even before going to market.

Some things to know about trademark intent to use applications:

This is just a start to give you an overview of how an intent to use application works. Naturally, each application is different and should be considered fully before determining whether an intent to use application is the right choice.

Since you are reading this, you know that trademark registration is essential. It is one of the most critical parts of your business, so make sure that you understand the elements of brand protection and how they serve your business.

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