Category: Trademark Registration

Trademark Office Action Response Cheatsheet [Updated 2021]

This Trademark Office Action Response Cheatsheet helps you get back on track. The United States Patent & Trademark Office (the USPTO) issues trademark Office Actions when they find a problem with a trademark application. If you received a trademark Office Action,...

Creative Business Owner’s Guide to Trademarks

As a creative business owner, you may have wondered if you need a trademark. What exactly are trademarks? Will a trademark protect your brand? Should you register for trademark protection? How can you start the trademark process? We answer those questions in this...

Trademark Specimen Tips [Updated 2024]

A trademark specimen is required if you want to have your trademark registered with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). The trademark specimen tells the USPTO how you are using your trademark with your goods or services. Understanding how to...

Building Brand Value: A Creative Business Owner’s Guide

Brand value grows creative businesses. The value of the brand grows as business owners do the work needed to develop a good brand and protect it. Learn how you can build brand value and make your brand your business’ most valuable asset. Why pay attention to...

Trademark vs. Copyright: What Creative Businesses Must Know

Creators must know when to use trademark vs. copyright. Trademarks and copyrights provide tools that creative businesses use to protect intellectual property and grow. Read this article to know the difference between the two and how to use them in your business....

Top 5 Dumb Trademark Mistakes To Avoid

Trademark mistakes cost business owners big money every year. So we compiled a list of the most significant trademark mistakes that we see people make. Business owners can avoid most of these problems by learning about them and taking action early on. While many more...