Category: Trademark Registration

Trademark Classes Explained

Trademark classes help categorize trademarks. Accordingly, each trademark registration fits into at least one trademark class. When registering a trademark, take time to ensure you understand the right trademark class for your trademark so that you can avoid delays....

How A Small Business Lawyer Grows Your Business

A small business lawyer helps you grow your business. They help you identify opportunities. Or they create a solid legal foundation. They make sure that you understand how the law affects your business. And they provide confidential support when things get tricky....

The Trademark Registration Process: A Simple Guide

This post provides a guide to the trademark registration process, giving you an overview of what happens after your application for federal registration of your trademark rights has been submitted. The United States Patent & Trademark Office (the USPTO) processes...

Four Ways To Deal With Amazon Copycats

Amazon copycats present real problems for any Amazon seller. They copy products, they copy brand names and they hijack listings. While it may be impossible to get rid of Amazon copycats completely, there are ways that you can deal with them if you are an Amazon...

Merely Ornamental Trademark Refusal

If you have received a merely ornamental trademark refusal, you may be wondering what to do. This is a problem that occurs with some frequency at the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). Depending upon how you are using your mark, you may be able to...

Legal Zoom Reviews: Hard Lessons for Small Business Owners

Legal Zoom reviews reveal that online legal services fall short. While they offer help with run-of-the-mill tasks, they create problems for serious business owners. If your business needs a solid legal foundation, read on to understand the risks and how to avoid them....